Interactive Learning Platform Give and take courses on-line in an easy and efficient way
Dear Sir or Madam : Comunicadorinteractivo Dgc, H-Technologies is happy to inform you of the launching of the beat version of Freasyway, an international interactive pedagogical network meant for students, educational institutions, independent teachers, as well as professionals who wish to pass on knowledge on a worldwide scale. The objective is to promote cooperation and dialogue at every level in Europe and in the rest of the world, with public and private partners. As a result of a market analysis and a survey carried out by Dell on the technologies of education, most of the people questioned said that technology plays an essential role to pass on knowledge beyond the borders. Freasyway therefore answers to the demands of the public and should enable us to make real profits. More information can be obtained directly on the platform or upon request at H-Technologies (see contact information below). We count on your collaboration to promote this new pedagogical tool around you. We should be grateful if you would take act of this announcement and look forward to hearing from you. Best regards. I adhere to this initiative
Steven Hori To contact us: Tél.: + 41 79 414 15 09
COMUNICADOR INTERACTIVO BLOG DE DOMINGO GUTIERREZ CRUZ, EL COMUNICADOR DEL PUEBLO RD Envía notas a Domingo Gutiérrez Cruz, a través de: Informaciones oportunas con veracidad, nacionales e internacionales, para el mundo desde la República Dominicana. "LA VIDA ANTE TODO, CUIDATE Y CUIDA A TUS SEMEJANTES, UN MANDATO DE DIOS".
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